Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SA Blog of the Year Awards

Oh WOW! Can't believe Love Art Blog is a finalist in Best Design Blog for 2009! A big major huge thank u! thank u! to all of you who nominated my blog!

& now I would give you an even BIGGER THANK YOU if you would be so kind as to VOTE so that this blog actually wins Best Design Blog! It's really easy - all you have to do is click on the BIG GOLD TAG to your left which takes you to SA Blog of the Year webpage, it will tell you that you have selected this blog and you can either page down to the bottom of the page to type in your email address or you can vote for other blogs as well then do the email and security code thingy and VOILA you done!

Thanx a mil luv u lots!
P.S. While you about it please visit Salmagundi and give them your vote too!(Best Original Writing on a South African Blog) It wouldn't surprise me if you bookmarked their blog! You will "LOVE" it!


English Muse said...

Yay!! I just went on and voted for you!!!

Jane-Anne said...

Hi Li

Thanks for recommending Salmagundi! Glad you like it...
