Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sexy in Vogue

This is the latest addition to my list of "Divine Inspiration" artists! Absolutely love Victoria Verbaan's artwork. I recently purchased her "Fairy" range of goodies at Woolworths for my beautiful angel Jade and was thinking of claiming the pencil case for myself but unfortunately I will have to buy my own because as far as Jade is concerned "it's mine"! This is also the only time I wish I lived in Durban because I would love to see her exhibition "Girl Lost" but anyhoo! maybe next time (should the bank balance improve) I can "fly" up to "Durbs"!

Sexy in Vogue "Sexy in Vogue" by Victoria Verbaan

Castle in the Sky"Castle in the Sky" by Victoria Verbaan

Fairy range @ Woolworths "Fairy" - Victoria Verbaan
(Collection for Woolworths)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out the Victoria Verbaan website for her latest work and new projects on the go. some really exciting things including a fabric range, cushions, bags and gifting range! www.victoriaverbaan.com