Thursday, May 28, 2009

French pink

It's cold & raining here! Real winters day! These pics from a Rooi Rose , South African Afrikaans magazine, remind me of spring & shades of pink, blue, lavender, french interior, soft cotton, yummy cakes, I can almost feel & touch it! Winter has only started & although I love the rain, well more the fact that our dams are getting filled with water, I function better in spring!

The weather man says the rain is here until Sunday! Oh boy that does not go down well with "Bugaloo" (my beautiful baby girl who is nearly 5 as she puts it) who absolutely loves being outside & for me who could spend the weekend on the couch watching movies, reading & having a snooze in between!
Whats your plans for the weekend?

1 comment:

pixelimpress said...

just ending our spring here, li. heading into summer. it's been hot and sunny lately. my mother and sister are in the air as i type this, flying from pennsylvania to washington. and tomorrow we head to maui for a girls' week! love those photos.