Thursday, January 21, 2010

What U wearing today?

I'm not "a go with the fashion" type of girl!  70% of the clothing in my cupboard is black!  Not keen on dresses, don't wear jeans or shorts!  Love black & layering.  Unfortunately it's 37 degrees outside, so the less clothes I can wear the better!

I have to find new ways to invent a look with the clothes I have - no spending on new!  The skirt in this pic I bought last year & have always worn it as a skirt!  For some unknown reason i decided to pull the skirt over my head (iso stepping into it & pulling it up) & thought hmmm I should try this as a dress & I did! 

Yip that's me & that's the skirt!


& now it's a dress!

what U think?

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